Physical Wellbeing

Wellbeing does not entail only one’s mental and emotional states but also physique. In relation to our job, we as teachers can view physical wellbeing by assessing how we respond to stress, establish a work-life balance and manage our time to let our bodies be well.

  1. What do you find stressful at work and do you have strategies to deal with them? 

(Stress may be caused by different factors, environmental, social, physiological and psychological. Detecting the source of stress might be a starting point to work to solve it.)


  1. Am I successful in establishing a work-life balance?

(Deriving pleasure from only one aspect of life leaves us with fewer opportunities to enjoy life and have high levels of wellbeing. Therefore, time set aside for private life and switch off from work is important to have a more balanced life (Mercer and Gregersen, 2020).)


  1. Am I effective in managing my time?

Here are some strategies that may be helpful

Treat your private life as if it is the most important task

Learn to say “no” to be able to say “yes” later


Use Eisenhower matrix for time management. To read more about it, please go to the following link:


Use Pomodoro technique


Keep a planner, find out about the times when you are more productive and focused


Don’t undermine the importance of sleep, exercise and nutrition 


Practice mindfulness



Mercer, S., & Gregersen, T. (2020). Teacher wellbeing. Oxford University Press.