Description of the tool

  • This is a resource that is feasible and (to some extent) interactive for online grammar activities. We usually send documents or pngs for grammar activities; however, if you want the students to fill in the blanks in an online platform and send you the results with one click, you can prefer this website. 

  • There are various interactive worksheets that are prepared by the teachers and all you need to do is copy the link and send it to the students. You can also prepare your own worksheets and share them with the community. It is easy to use and I use this website especially if the students ask for extra grammar activities or I believe they need extra practice. 

How to access the website

  • This is the link:  

  • You can have  teacher access by signing up, but you can also share the links without being a member. When you use the search tool and write the grammar topic, you will see many different activities. Choose the one that you like most. Send the link to the students. If they are also a member, they can send you their results. If they are not, they can share their results via screenshots. Finally, answer the question marks that they have. 

How it works

  • The following link summarizes how to create different types of worksheets:

  • If you only want to use the prepared ones, all you need to do is to search the topic and choose the ones you like most. 

How it can be used in the classroom

  • It is useful if the students ask for extra grammar activities or the teachers believe their students need extra practice in a specific topic. Since it is colorful and easy to use, it may be better to use these worksheets rather than sending a pdf file that they cannot really write onto.