Digital Citizenship and Distance Learning

In the digital age, citizens are required to be fully aware of the challenges related to digital technologies, to take responsibilities and actions for an increased autonomous learning process and to be creative. As monitors and guides, educators are unquestionably expected to gain multiple skills for a well working technology assisted lesson. After the pandemic, online education also gained popularity. Following sources provide practices of technology assisted distance learning cases.


Hawamdeh, M., Altınay, Z., Altınay, F. et al. (2022) Comparative analysis of students and faculty level of awareness and knowledge of digital citizenship practices in a distance learning environment: case study. Educ Inf Technol

Niwaz, A., (2019). An Exploration of Issues and Challenges Faced by Students in Distance Learning Environment. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR)

Unger, Shem; Meiran, William R. (2020). Student Attitudes towards Online Education during the COVID-19 Viral Outbreak of 2020: Distance Learning in a Time of Social Distance
International Journal of Technology in Education and Science, v4 n4 p256-266

Bratel, O., Kostiuk, M., Bratel, S., & Okhrimenko, I. (2021). Student-centered online assessment in foreign language classes. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S3), 926-941.

Nawaila, B. et al.,  (2020). Technology and English Language Teaching and Learning: A Content Analysis. Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age