Description of the tool

  • Edmodo gives classroom teachers the ability to create a web-based social learning environment and it is FREE. 

How to access the website

How it works

  • Once a teacher has registered for a free account, he/she can then begin to create digital learning communities by creating groups. Groups can include the whole class, small groups of students, or just one student for differentiated instruction.

  • Group members can communicate through posts similar to the platform used for Facebook. Share and store resources using the library. 

  • Assignments, events, and announcements for all groups a teacher or student is a member of is displayed on the calendar. 

How it can be used in the classroom

  • While showing a movie in class, teachers can have students use Edmodo as a backchannel to post observations, questions, and enhance discussion.

  • Students can answer a teacher-created poll in Edmodo during a discussion to check for understanding.

  • Students can post their work and then critique each other's projects.

If teachers set the activity as an assignment, the system allows them to grade the projects and give the student feedback.

  • Backpack feature is a way for students to save links in Edmodo's Library Tab, giving them the opportunity to organize their links by category, subject area, or interest.